Volume 1: In Pursuit of Wisdom
In Pursuit of Wisdom is Volume I of the Dark World Saga, which is a planned trilogy. Volume II has just been released – it is titled In Need of Protection, and Volume III is tentatively titled In Search of Justice. All three books are anchored in those three characteristics which man looks for in our leaders, and those three characteristics are embodied in three separate Artifacts of the Ancients: The Staff of Insight, the Shield of Life, and the Righteous Blade. The plots and subplots of each book revolve around the quest for these three objects, and the power that they wield.
Volume I introduces us to the Dark World of Tenebrae. It is a world where deception, strife, hatred, selfishness, cruelty, and betrayal are the everyday norms. Imagine the power of a person who wielded the famed Staff of Insight, where every motivation was revealed, every lie and half-truth exposed. Now picture what our world here on Earth would be like if such a staff existed. Intriguing, no?
This is a story of a young man of extraordinary skill coming of age. Orphaned as a babe, he recognizes that the key to finding this ancient staff is to first find answers to his own past. And it is those answers that lead him in pursuit of wisdom — for himself — and for all of Tenebrae.
Click the link below for an excerpt from Volume I, and scroll down for details on Volume II…
Volume 2: In Need of Projection
“When war comes, where do the people turn for protection?”
Since the dawn of conflict, people have sought security in a Dark World. As war clouds roll over Tenebrae, its denizens feel the weight of the question: who protects the land, the people? Nobles struggle to own it. Heroes struggle to provide it. And commoners are left to simply struggle.
As knowledge of an ancient God kindles, a new source of Protection comes to light: The Shield of Life. Like the famed Staff of Insight, this Shield is the second Ancient Artifact blessed by the One True God, and if offers an impenetrable defense against dark prayers and the undead creatures spawned from these unholy devotions.
Volume II is the explosive continuation of the epic story which began with a young mage coming of age in Volume I, In Pursuit of Wisdom. In a Dark World threatened by forces few understand, the quest for protection accelerates for everyone: the burdened Queen, the anointed Warrior, the resurrected Mage. Even the forces of evil that threaten the entire realm seek protection…from themselves.
Click the link below for an excerpt from Volume II.